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The majority of patients look online for providers --even when they're referred.

Get your real-time digital rankings from Aelieve Digital Marketing today and see what you’ve done well, what you can do better, and how you can move forward.

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See how you rank on Google.

Our digital analysis will show you how your ranking in search measures up against your competitors, and how you can improve it.

See how you appear across the web.

We’ll evaluate the state of your listings and determine if there are places you can synchronize and organize your reputation throughout the Internet.

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See how your website performs.

Speed is a high-priority factor for search ranking, and increasing it by even a fraction can lead to massive changes in discovery and website traffic.

See how your reviews compare.

What are people saying about you?  With our tools, you’ll not only be able to get a clearer picture of what they’re saying, but how you can deploy it in future marketing efforts.

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"My personalized comparison that Aelieve sent me was such an easy and comprehensive way to see how my practice compares to my competitors, they send it to you for you to keep and review."
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Get started today.

Start by seeing how you compare to other practices in your local area and specialty.

Compare Your Practice